Consultancy Service to conduct Feasibility Study on the Establishment of The e-Gambia Power Project

Country: The Republic of The Gambia

Project Name: Digital Transformation for Africa Western Africa Regional Digital Integration Program (DTfA/WARDIP SOP1)

Project ID: P176932

Reference: WARDIP/C3.1/2024/QCBS004

Assignment Tittle: Consultancy Service to conduct Feasibility Study on the Establishment of the e-Gambia Power Project.

Duration of the assignment: Six (6) months

Deadline of submission: 11th October 2024, 12:00pm (Gambian Time)



The Government of The Gambia has secured funding from the International Development Association (IDA), hereinafter referred to as ‘the Bank,’ under the Digital Transformation for Africa – Western Africa Regional Digital Integration Program (WARDIP) Series of Projects (SOP)-1, with an allocation of USD 50 million. The primary goal of DTfA/WARDIP-SOP1 is to expand broadband access and usage while strengthening the foundation for Digital Financial Services (DFS) and selected digital public services, ultimately advancing the creation of a Single Digital Market in Western Africa. This initiative will accelerate the achievement of national digital development objectives, while also aligning with regional digital transformation goals.

To ensure success, the project will focus on improving national policies, regulations, and the implementation of strategic programs. It will address obstacles to cross-border connectivity, data flows, and digital services, fostering a seamless and competitive digital ecosystem at both the national and regional levels. The expected outcome is a self-sustaining cycle of economic growth, increased investment, innovation, job creation, and enhanced service delivery across both domains.

To achieve these objectives, the project will encompass three interconnected technical components, along with a Project Implementation and Coordination Component and a Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC), designed to address key constraints in developing a robust digital economy.

In view of the above, DTfA/WARDIP, through the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy (MOCDE), is seeking to engage a qualified consultancy firm to conduct Feasibility Study on the Establishment of the e-Gambia Power Project.


The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a detailed Feasibility Study for the e-Gambia Power Project. The study will explore various project options, assess the existing infrastructure, and provide strategic recommendations to inform decision-making processes. The consultancy is expected to deliver a series of reports and workshops, ensuring the project’s viability and alignment with the country’s digital transformation strategy.

Scope of Work

The consultancy will cover, but is not limited to, the following activities:

  • Infrastructural Analysis: Evaluate the existing power grid and fiber network infrastructure.
  • Market Analysis: Engage with stakeholders to understand the demand for quadruple play services.
  • Benchmarking: Conduct international case studies relevant to The Gambia.
  • Strategic Options: Provide multiple strategic options for commercialization and project rollout.
  • Institutional and Legal Framework: Assess the regulatory, legal, and institutional requirements.
  • Financial Analysis: Develop a comprehensive financial model and tariff structure.
  • Capacity and Sustainability Plan: Propose measures for operational sustainability and capacity building.
  • Design: Provide both high- and low-level network and cybersecurity designs.
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA): Conduct a preliminary assessment and propose mitigation strategies.

Consultant Qualifications

The consulting firm must meet the following qualifications:

  • Firm Experience: At least 10 years of operational experience, including successful completion of similar feasibility studies.
  • Personnel: The team must include experts in project management, energy, telecommunications, legal, environmental and social assessments, finance, and cybersecurity. Detailed qualifications for each role can be found in the Terms of Reference.
  • Local Partnership: If the lead firm is international, a local partnership in The Gambia is required.


Expected Outcomes and Deliverables



T0 + 2 weeks

·       Submission of a Work Plan (preferable in a Gantt Chart) highlighting all expected deliverables with their specific deliverable timelines.

·       Submission of an inception report

T0 + 2 Months

Draft Report for Situational Analysis and Commercialization Strategies for the e-Gambia Power Project including the Strategic Report of the proposed Options.

TO + 2 Months

Produce a Funding Approach for the Project.

TO + 3 Months

Institutional Framework for the Project.

TO + 3 Months

Costing Model/Plan.

TO + 4 Months

Sustainability Plan for the Project.

TO + 4 Months

A detailed Design (High and Low levels embedding Cybersecurity) of the e-Gambia Power Project taking into account the methodologies highlighted above.

TO + 5 Months

Coordination strategy and governance structure for the Project.

TO + 5 Months

5-Day Validation Workshop for the deliverables of the Feasibility Study.

TO + 5 Months

Draft Policies and regulations associated to e-Gambia Power Project.

TO + 5 Months

Documentation on Critical stakeholder roles in the e-Gambia Power Project.

TO + 5 Months

Shareholder Mechanism and Strategy

TO + 5 months

Draft Report for Stage 2- E- Gambia Power Project

T0 + 6 Months

Final Stage 1 Report

T0 + 6 Months

Final Stage 2 Report

T0 + 6Months

5 Day validation workshop for deliverables

Submission of Expressions of Interest (EOI)

Consulting firms are invited to submit their Expression of Interest which should include the following:

  • A cover letter outlining the firm’s qualifications.
  • Details of similar assignments conducted, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • CVs of key personnel who will be assigned to this project.
  • Partnership arrangements with local firms (if applicable).
  • Any additional information that demonstrates the firm’s capability to successfully complete the assignment.

The attention of interested firms is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 1st, 2016, revised in November 2017, Augus 2018 and September 2023) (“A Candidate will be selected in accordance with the QUALIALITY AND COST BASED SELECTION (QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

Further information and the full TOR can be obtained from the email addresses below during office hours from 08:00 to 16:00 GMT on Mondays to Thursdays and from 0800 to 12:30 GMT on Fridays.

Expressions of interest together with relevant documents must be delivered in a written form or via email addresses below not later than 12:00pm 11th October 2024. Submissions should be in hard, or soft-copy marked as Expression of Interest for the Consultancy Service to conduct Feasibility Study on the Establishment of the e-Gambia Power Project in accordance with Procurement Regulations. 

All interested firms are urged to send their expression of interest letters with attached documents to the following email addresses:

  • Sent to the Project Coordinator:
  • Attention to the Project Procurement Specialist: and copy
  • Copy the Director of Cyber Security:

Physical Address of the Project:

Digital Transformation for Africa –

Western Africa Regional Digital Integration Program 

C/O Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy     

Bertil Harding Highway, Stadium Junction, Bakau, The Gambia, West Africa.

Digital Address (Google Maps): F889+WWH
